Living Word Bible Church Blog
“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.”
(Jer 15:16)
Previous Blog Posts
And they crucified Him (part 1). Have you ever wanted to see Jesus with your own eyes? I certainly have. But I have to admit that when it comes to Jesus’ crucifixion, I’m glad to be a twenty-first century Westerner. Yet I am conflicted. Part of me yearns to be closer to what happened to my Saviour on that haunting day at Golgotha…
God with us (part 2). The ancient prophecies about Jesus’ birth had all come to fruition. The King that the Israelites had rejected was with them to save them. They had wanted a human king, and now, as never before, they had one. His splendour and power were well hidden, but don’t be fooled; they were shining brightly beneath the cloak of His ordinary humanity…
The law of the LORD is perfect (part 2). You are standing amid a gathering of truth-seekers from all over Palestine and beyond, listening intently to the most radical preacher you have ever heard: Jesus of Nazareth. He has been touring around Galilee, proclaiming the arrival of God’s everlasting kingdom, healing every disease in sight, and casting out demons…
The law of the LORD is perfect (part 1). You are standing amid a great multitude—perhaps two or three times the population of Adelaide—and staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the most fearsome sight you have ever beheld. Mount Sinai, to which your nation’s leader, Moses, has brought you, is in a state of upheaval…
Freedom for the prisoners. Through most of history, human beings have treasured the idea of freedom. We love being unrestricted, at ease, and able to make our own choices. When our freedom is under attack, we may fight or even die to protect it. We detest being confined or controlled against our will. We always seek to be free…
Lord of the Sabbath. We Aussies love taking it easy, don’t we? A good number of us spend the working week counting down the days to that blissful moment when the burden of our work finally lifts off our shoulders. We exchange the customary ‘Have a good weekend!’ with our co-workers, stride cheerily toward the door, and make a dash for freedom…
Our resident blogger is Greg Denholm. Please note: any views on secondary issues that are expressed here don’t necessarily reflect the position of all members of Living Word Bible Church.